

Conferences take time, money, and energy.  To get the most out of them, keep the mission and motto of your business in mind.

Find conferences and workshops that are in alignment with who you are and what you do. Set goals for networking and education. Select sessions that you know will help your business. Make plans to follow up and follow through.

Introducing P.E.P. Talks

PEP Talks

Introducing Pre-Event Planning Workshops aka P.E.P. Talks.

Conferences can be empowering … personally and professionally.

Join me on September 1 at 11am PT to solidify your upcoming conference goals. We will create a plan for selecting sessions and meeting people, and identify strategies that set you up for success.

These workshops are interactive, so it’s also an opportunity to make new connections.

Got Goals?

Got Goals

When you attend an event, do you just go with the flow and see what happens? Or do you set goals to meet certain people and learn specific skills in order to elevate your business? Guess which one I recommend!

To get what you want, you need to know what that is.

The more targeted you are on your event goals, the more likely you will come away feeling like your time, money, and energy were well-spent!